Siam Polo Newsletter |
May 2005 |
Volume III - Issue 1. |
Sponsored by KING POWER
"What you want to do, do it today! Don't wait for tomorrow." Khun Vichai embraces this philosophy for his polo as well as his work style. The new King Power Polo Field is the second polo field in Thailand, and the plan is to build two more fields in Chiang Mai and Khao Yai. "We want to have polo at the Thailand S.E.A. Games in 2007, so we need at least two polo fields." Khun Vichai has been putting considerable effort into introducing the game to Thai people. "Right now, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Philippines have polo teams with all national players (possibly also Hong Kong and Indonesia), but Malaysia and Singapore have been playing polo for over hundred years. Polo in Thailand has only been revived over the past seven years, so we have to work harder. The more fields we have, the more choice, and we can get more Thai players." Already, Thai people are starting to understand the game more; they are less shy, and they understand it is not dangerous. "The key," says Vichai, "is to have good horses and to take care." Khun Vichai now has over 80 horses imported from Argentina. These horses are specially bred and trained for the polo. This year there were 2 beginners tournaments, and everybody has been very surprised that over 9 Thai women have taken up the game. The King Power Polo Field is only 25 minutes from central Bangkok (Sukhumvit) and only 15 minutes from the new Bangkok Airport. This summer a group of Thai players will play in England then spend two months playing in Argentina before returning to Thailand for the opening of next season in November. Vichai also plans to host a Cartier Cup at his new field for the next three years - possibly 12 goals or higher. We asked Khun Vichai about his win at Songkran Cup this year, and he said, "it was a good game and just for fun, but it is a cup that you don't want to lose!" |
![]() The King Power Gold Cup was an outstanding success this year, and there was also a King Power Junior Gold Cup for the beginning polo players in Thailand. Ali from Dubai joined Khun Vichai's team in a surprise shuffle to lead the King Power team to victory. Of course, Cabeza Grande was there too, and Khun Top was on fine form to put the ball in the goal. The runners-up were Dubai, with very strong performances by Najib and Jamie Woodward. Pepperoni and Bumbo shut the back door for Dubai, and the Pacific Way team could not make a dent. Junior Gold Cup action saw a surprise victory for new-comer polo team Kuppa. Jaime provided much amusement teaming up against Khun An from BIG polo team. It was a fun game to watch and everyone played well. |
NEW CLUB HOUSE The real excitement at the Gold Cup this year was the new clubhouse. Khun Vichai has been working very hard along with the staff at King Power to finish the new polo grounds and clubhouse at the King Power Sports Club. The clubhouse is amazing, and the exciting addition to this tournament was to wander through the rooms of the new clubhouse and look out on the polo field. There is even a "control tower" which looks out over the field. |
![]() It has been a long time since we have seen this cup - sometimes rained out and sometimes un equipo tienne miedo. The last team that won was Khun Aktanai's team several years ago, but the cup is back! This is Thailand's friendly cup. It started out with just members and no professionals, but as Thai polo players like Khun Top and Khun Robin and Khun Suzy have been improving, the competition has become more fierce, so now the gauchos have to play. This year, there will be three men's teams and two beginner teams. We are seeing the return of a lot of old polo faces for this cup. Jamie Woodward will be playing with Pepperoni alongside Pascual and Najib for Dubai. Cabeza Grande and Ali will be supporting Khun Vichai and Khun Top for King Power and the famous Thai polo player Eric Butter will be taking to the field with Khun Aktanai, Khun Tom and Khun Marco for the Pacific Way team. The tournament will be held Saturday and Sunday 23-24 April 2005, and you will see a host of Siamese lady polo players like Mimi, Ploy and many more! |
One of the most entertaining tournaments in Thailand is the annual Songkran Cup. King Power has won this cup for the past 3 years in a row. April is the hottest month of the year in Thailand, and the Songkran holiday is very important for Thai people as they take to the streets to throw water on each other to celebrate the Thai New Year. This year the Songkran Tournament was held at the new King Power Sports Club. This was the first tournament to be held on the new field and King Power celebrated by claiming its fourth victory in a row with a solid 8-2 win in a game of very exciting play and much tension. |
![]() The reason for the tension is that this Songkran Cup is not an ordinary Cup. It is much larger than normal polo cups, and it is filled with very cold ice water. At the end of the game, the winning team has the honor of presenting the contents of the Songkran Cup to the losing team which is lying prostrate on the ground. This year King Power's Khun Top was playing with a one finger handicap - having injured his finger just before the game. The gaucho team had recruited Coach Nelio Pieroni from Argentina - "El padre de el campion de la vida" - to help guide them through to victory, but it was not to happen. The combined force of Khun Vichai's accurate shots on goal with La Topadora Gustavo and "Bumbo" Pascual on defense completely flattened the Gauchos. Pepperoni's father, Coach Nelio, proclaimed "mi equipo flojo y no huevos!" Khun Tuk presented the smaller Songkran Cups to all the players. |
![]() After the excitement on the polo field, the gauchos retired to Bangkok. Khun Robin hosted a delicious birthday party for Pepperoni and the Gauchos at Kuppa restaurant. The gauchos in Thailand have many unique traditions that have evolved over the years. When you are about to get married, your teammates give you a haircut (one that your bride certainly does not approve of), and when you have a birthday, your teammates help you celebrate by signing your face. Pepperoni's father, Nelio, looked on in horror as all the gauchos took their permanent black ink pens and began signing his son's face, but then he joined too and signed his son's face in true Thailand Gaucho tradition. Nelio Pieroni is one of the greatest fans of Siam Polo News, and this is his first trip to Thailand. He told us that it is another world over here and that the East is totally different. He loves the new King Power Sports Club and is very proud of what his son has accomplished. Nelio has many Refrans, but with reference to Pepperoni, he told us, "un padre que da consejos mas que padre es un amigo." |
L'OCCITANE Woman's Polo team was victorious against the Burberry team. This is the first time that a Siamese Woman's polo team has ever won any match. Previously, they always end in a tie. "Not this time!" said the gaucho Pepperoni. We are going to "pone la bocha en el arco con todas las letras." That they did. The Occitane team had a very exciting match and it was very entertaining for the spectators. The Kasikorn Bank Men's team posed for a picture to celebrate victory before their match with Siemens. Siemens won by one goal in a very enjoyable game to watch that was tie until the final moments. Everyone played very well, especially Federico Rosales "la armora secreta" with a surprise visit from Polo Angel Khun Yam to cheer him on. Below, you can see the very exciting activities from opening the new King Power Polo and Sports Club which has recently opened very close to the new airport. Khun Vichai got the first goal at his new club, and the field we hear is amazing. |
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MERCEDES CUP This coming Saturday 26 February 3:00PM at Siam Polo Park, we will see an exciting match for the Mercedes Cup. The two teams will consist of Khun Vichai and "Cambiaso" Top with the Cabeza Grande brothers, La Topadora and his brother Sergio straight in from Villa Delores. The other team will have Mr. Link and Mr. Omsin with the one and only Bach-A-Mann and a fourth secret weapon to be kept secret. This is not all. There will also be a very entertaining ladies exhibition match with two teams of Siamese polo ladies in the very capable hands of the Nicolas Pepperoni Pieroni and Marco Focaccia. Never in the history of ladies polo in Siam has any ladies team ever won a match. Every match has always ended in a tie, so we will see if one of these teams will actually win this match, or if it will be yet another tie. The excitement and tension is unbearable! The proceeds of this tournament will benefit the educational project of H.R.H. The Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. Guests are welcome to join the Buffet Lunch in the Air Conditioned Tent at 12:00 noon. There will be music by the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra and a Mercedes-Benz car show. The opening speech will be delivered by Air Vice Marshal Kamthon Sindhvananda at 3:00PM followed by Ladies Polo and then the Main Event. There will be exciting commentation by Siam Polo General Manager Khun Niphon and another mystery commentator. This will be the game of the year with Cabeza Grande Brothers up against the Bach-A-Mann. Fireworks in the evening after polo. Don't miss it! If you have any questions, call the Mercedes Polo Cup hotline -- 026503055. |
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KING'S CUP 2005 |
Khun Un is the first polo player in Thailand to paint his helmet. "The old helmet was so boring," he says. Thanapon Tantayanurak works as Secretary to the Advisor to the Prime Minister of Thailand. Un says it is very challenging work, because you meet with the top management of the country and see how decisions are made. The painting on Un's helmet is a Yak (Thai Giant) called Totsagan. It was made by a temple painter named Khun Add, and you can see this Yak in Thai history books like the Lammagian which was transcribed from its Indian origins by King Rama IV. "It is a bad Yak," Un smiles, "and I put it on there to intimidate the enemy." Un has been playing polo since the last month of last season. Not long, but he has learned a lot over the summer from Reggie Ludwig in USA. The most important things he learned were the Reggie Checklists: 1. "Ready-to-ride" (toes up, heel down, back straight, chin in) and 2. "Ready-to-hit" (half seat, ready position). Un started playing polo because it is such a challenging sport. "Going to play is like going to war," he says. This game has also taught Un a lot about life - "Know your position" and "Respect the other's decision." Un says that the most important part of his job as Secretary is "Keeping connections." It is easy to meet people, but maintaining the relationship is what is difficult. The trick is "never forget," he says, "names, how you met, what they did for you." Un's greatest role model is H.M. The King, because "he won't give up. Also he tries to find how to enjoy what he does." Un adds that Thais don't wai H.M. The King, nor shake his hand; they only bow their heads before him. Un met his lovely wife Khun A in Government house, and they have been married for two years. We ask him what it is like to be married, and he replies with a smile, "you're not living alone." Un's other passions are golf and piano, and his favorite Thai motto is "Tot Tan Pandin" (pay back your motherland), because he is passionate about helping society. Un feels that it is the Buddhist way, "the middle path," that makes Thailand great - not too tough, not too soft; not too fast, not too slow. He feels that these are not bad tactics to use on the polo field either. Email Khun Un |
NEW MEMBER Sean Longstreath is 9 years old. He came to the polo club last year and met Federico Bachmann. When he told Federico that he wanted to play polo, Federico called to the grooms, "Bring Golandrina." Sean is a student at St. Andrews School in Rayong, and he speaks Thai, Lao, and English. He is now taking lessons at the club every week. He thinks that polo is a lot like soccer, but the field is bigger and there is no goalie. So far, Sean has learned to stand up in the saddle and to use his body to guide the horse. Sean's father loves to come to support his son. |
CHURO RETURNS We gave him a buena suerte haircut before he left, and it seems to have worked... Because he came back with a lovely new wife. Mercedes is also from Salta in the Northwest of Argentina, and the two had been dating for seven years. We are in the process of enlisting Mercedes' help in wearing down Churo, so that we can have a chance to beat him in golf and squash. Churo has been doing a fantastic job of keeping the polo horses in playing condition and is planning to publish a book on Vet Advice for Polo Players. |
![]() Federico Bachmann spent the summer playing in Switzerland and France. He was playing for Philip Maeder at the Zurich Polo Park. His highpoint was the 14 goal ATAG Polo Open where his team "Lavazza" did much better than expected. All of the other teams had 3 professionals, but Lavazza had 2 professionals with 2 sponsors. The trick was to keep possession of the ball. When you are 2 against 3, moving in diagonals is essential. Go away from the opposition, and go where they won't take it from you. Federico says this is called El Trensito (the little train) where you play very close to each other. You can't just hit the long shot, because you will lose the ball, so when you hit, it has to be a goal or out!" Federico says that playing in Europe is more competitive. They are very organized and getting better horses all the time. He chose Pablo Jauretche (7 goals) to play with him, because of good communications. "We have good chemistry. He can listen and advise me, and we are both 'workers on the field' - not stars. This is important." The experience in Europe taught Federico the importance of discipline - "follow the line," he says. Europeans are interested in position and strategy, and they valued Federico's tactics of "teaching on the field." Federico likes to teach "what to do" rather than to explain later "what you did wrong." Many players get "lost on the field," so they really appreciate it if you can help "show them the way." It's is like guiding a blind man before he hits the wall, rather than tell him later why he hit the wall. You get more confidence and you learn faster. Federico thinks the top polo countries in Europe now are Spain (serious and fun), England (serious), Switzerland (wants to learn), France and Italy. Federico feels that going from one extreme in Thailand to the other in Europe has made him appreciate the importance of freedom and to understand that you don't need that much in life to be happy. Email the Bach-A-Mann |
The work of the gaucho can be very difficult at times. Here, our very own Pepperoni has just completed an instruction session of stick and ball with Khun Mimi. Mimi is one of the most experienced lady polo players in Thailand. She has been playing polo for many years, and now since she is working at King Power, we see her even more often at the polo field. Pepperoni has been coaching her on her swing and riding position. Pepperoni's father is an avid reader of Siam Polo News. |
Khun Pak is on a month's vacation from high school in Australia. Her mother, Robin, loves polo, and now Khun Pak is very interested to learn too. Feder has been giving her lessons and teaching her some of the finer points of the game. He thinks she is coming along well. Khun Pak does not have much experience, but it is easy to see that she is a natural. She is very comfortable on the horse, and she is learning very fast. She hopes that she will be able get her own horse to play polo with some day. |
PASCUAL MASSAGLI This is the newest gaucho in Siam. Pascual was born in Mendoza. He is 21 years old and the only child in his family. He is now a 2 goal player. He started to play polo when he was 14 years old. His father loves to watch the game of polo, and encouraged Pascual to take up the game. One of his greatest teachers was Cristian Guevara who taught him to feel the movement of the horse without looking at it. His favorite shot is the "under the neck" shot. His favorite player is Cambiaso, because he is magic. His vision for his life: He wants his father to see him play in Palermo. His philosophy for polo which comes from his father: "juga como vas sabes" (play the way you know). Pascual's favorite horse is the one with a strong heart. Pascual is a very keen ball tapper, and can keep the ball in the air about 90 taps (on foot) and about 7-8 taps when on the horse. He loves "Folklore" music and the Argentine game of "Pelota Paleta." Pascual speaks very good Spanish, and the rumor has it, that he is now learning English from a certain anonymous gaucha timida in exchange for riding lessons. We will be sure to try to get a picture of this doble sentido as we monitor the progress of Pascual's English. |
Prajow Taksin is a very famous King in Thailand who lived about 9 generations ago before the Rama Kings took power in Siam. He is very famous for leading his army from Chantaburi to defend Siam against the Burmese. He told his men "Toop Mau Kow" (Break Your Rice Bowl) after their last meal before attacking the Burmese. This was to inspire his men to victory, because their next meal would have to be eaten out of their enemy's rice bowl. There was no coming back. Victory or death. He was successful. Prajow Taksin was also a great horseman, and if you venture to the north of Thailand, there is a town called Tak which was Prajow Taksin's birthplace. In this town, you can find a temple to the spirit of King Taksin, and for polo players, this temple has special significance, because it is surrounded by statues of horses - wood, iron and stone. It is a temple to King Taksin's spirit, and therefore you only wai once. (In a normal Thai Temple, you wai three times - to the Buddha, the Book, the Teacher). |
![]() Khun Niphon Raksriaksorn is the Personal Assistant to the Chairman of King Power. He is also the General Manager of Siam Polo Park. Polo has taught him about sportsmanship and teamwork, but he is very quick to add that his lovely wife Jack has taught him the most about life. "She has taught me how to be optimistic and to see the good." Adjan Jack has been teaching Niphon about life, while Khun Vichai has been teaching Niphon about polo - "Think before you hit, and communicate with your team." Niphon's vision is for Siam Polo Park to be a leading club in Asia. There is a lot of room for improvement, and he is encouraging members to bring their families and encourage member unity and support. Niphon is organizing a Beginner Cup for early January, so everyone can see him in action. "Don't laugh if I miss the ball!" |
On Sunday evening, there was a magic show in the clubhouse with a very special appearance of two buxom young ladies (chicas locas) from Argentina who came to sing "La Vida Loca" with Khun Top and Marco. We know that one of these "ladies" has since returned to Argentina to get married. It is an Argentine Gaucho tradition here in Thailand that whenever a gentleman is to be wed, it is the responsibility of his fellow gauchos to give him a haircut. This is what happened to Marco last year, so he made sure that Churo was given this same honor and courtesy before his departure from Thailand. |
PROGRESS OF KING POWER POLO FIELD There is significant progress with the new King Power Polo Fields (main field and practice field). The fields are getting very green and construction is going on all around them. The latest pictures were taken on 27 Nov 2004 (click images to enlarge). |
KHUN TON ON HIS WAY TO ARGENTINA Khun Ton was practicing very hard this past weekend, because on Wednesday 24 Nov 2004, he will leave Thailand for Argentina where he will be competing with Juan Manuel and Carlos Gracida in Buenos Aires for the Diamond Cup. This is a 22 goal polo tournament, and it will be the first high goal tournament that Khun Ton has ever competed in. Gustavo Yanez is in Argentina at the moment. He has been preparing horses and will be "coach" and "on hand" at the tournament. Ton told us that the Argentina style of play is friendly, but that the tournaments are more aggressive. He is hoping to get good experience from this tournament. The most important thing he learned this past summer playing in England is to "read the game." Every match is not the same he says, and it is very important to have control and to communicate. He explains that the best way to do this is to know yourself and to read your friends intentions, so that you know whether to take the man out or to get open for the pass. Cabeza grande will sum it up succinctly by saying, "play polo." Chok dee Ton! NEWS FLASH ---> King Power has made it to the finals fo the Diamond Cup. First game, beat Lolo's team 14-10. Second game, beat Cambiaso's team 11-10. Ton has 3 goals so far. Now advancing to the finals! |
SIAM POLO FOOTBALL LEAGUE The grooms celebrated the opening of the new polo season by holding the first ever Siam Polo Football League Cup. The competition was fierce, and in the end, the winning team was "Laos." The teams were made up of Siam Polo Grooms (who mostly come from the town of Muktahan) and Gauchos (who mostly come from Argentina). Pictured left is the celebration that took place after the Competition. |
ANIMATED ANTICIPATION As you can see, everyone is getting very excited about the opening of the new polo season at Siam Polo Park on the weekend of 6-7 November. Marco and Carolina have returned after a successful wedding in Argentina along with Pepperoni and Feder, and they have all been working hard to get the horses ready for the start of the new season. On the 6th of November, the club had a meeting and elected Khun Aktanai to be the new Chairman of Siam Polo Park - 06Nov2004 Minutes. A new list of Siam Polo - Regulations & Fees has been drafted by the new General Manager Khun Niphon along with a calendar of polo events for the 2004-2005 Siam Polo Season and we also have a list of Member's Polo Handicaps awarded by the TPA (Thailand Polo Association). |
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POLO HISTORY Recently, we were able to see our very own "Peperoni" playing with his uncle Canchi from Argentina. These two come from a very long line of polo players in Argentina. Canchi is president of the Rio Cuarto Polo Club and has been playing polo for 25 years. His passion for polo came from his father and his grandfather. His grandfather, Manuel Andrada El Paisano, was a 9 goal player who was on the world champion Argentina polo team at the 1936 Berlin Olympics and who also won the Argentine Open six times. Canchi's father was a polo coach in Spain, Columbia, England and Brasil. Canchi feels the most important tactic in polo is to play as a team. It is the heart and head of the other players that gives the spirit to the game. Read more about Nicolas Pieroni en Tailandia. |
Siam Polo Action... |
POLO MANAGER AT SIAM POLO PARK Marco is the current manager at Siam Polo Park. Email Marco -- his mobile: 01-9403243. Post address: Siam Polo Park, 100 M.9, T.Pong, A.Banglamung, Chonburi 20150. Fax: 66+38734940. Stable Manager: Khun Omsin Pratumse, mobile: 098312337.
Webpage designed by Tom Claytor